Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sometimes life is real good.

He so this one time, it is NOVEMBER. Talk about time flying. I just feel like life is so great right now. I have been able to grow so much up here at school, I know that happiness is found when I choose to live the gospel and then my happiness depends on how much I let my  Savior help me... awesome. Mu favorite things these days is to talk to my sisters on the phone. I love them, the other weekend I spent it at Hales and Spencer's apartment in Logan. Good thing they are way awesome and  we probably made a least a million cookies: heaven!! It was such a perfect fall vacation for me. Life had been way stressful, but I came back with a realization of important things in life, Haley's perspective of life always does that too me.

I have had some nastalgic feelings towards this cute boy and his two twin brothers. I look back on my adventure in DC and miss it. I remember it being so hard, but I look back and am nothing but grateful. It helped me become someone so much better. Ah, I stalk the West family blog all the time, they are getting so big. I see facebook post's of my Langley Ward friends and miss them so much. They were my family for four months. Ah, God knows me so well. I am grateful.

I have the best roomates ever. We built a snowman after all my roomates came to my volleyball game where we WON. Last semester we lost every game, of course we were a level higher... whatever. They came and then we built this Chinese snow woman. The simplest things in life make me the happinest.

Ally in the best. She spent Halloween with me and we dressed up like the evil brothers from Mario. Yep, I have never played before, but Ally is the pro. It was so much fun, I got to meet her family and it reminded me of Halloween with my family, who I was missing. Also, we then played Mario Nientendo 64 which only seemed fitting.
Me and my roomate carved pumpkins. Yep, you are looking at a freehand llama. It was so much fun to take a break from finals and enjoy life. Ah, I love Destiny! We then made pumpkin seeds, back to childhood happiness.

I am so blessed. I love teaching gospel doctrin, I am grateful where God has helped get to in life. I am a blessed girl.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

count your many blessings.

I love people. Talking to them, laughing with them and listening to them.
I love elderly people. they are such a bright spot in my life.
I hated the thought of being a gospel doctrine teacher up until I was called as one this semester. Talk about a crash course of the Book of Mormon;  with the spirit as my guide. Awesome.
Boys are great. I have learned a thing or two about them this week by actually listening to them; they are great.
Reese cookies are to die for and will probably be the reason for my death.
I LOVE fall. Everything about the sunrise-sunset. The leaves to the birds. Ah, it is the most beautiful place up here in Idaho, I love being outside.
I love my mom. She is my best friend. She loves me so much and knows me better than I know myself.
I adore my father. He is the great man I have ever met. Good thing he has taught me everything I know... fishing skills, salsa eating skills and life skills.
I love solitude. There is a time for surrounding yourself with awesome people, but the time that allows me to do so happily is the time I spend alone.
I love eating ceral... all day. Breakfast foods know no bounds.
I love adventure. I love laughing. I love dancing around like a crazy.
I am grateful for my roomates. I am grateful for all my homework waiting for me tomorrow. I am grateful for my sisters who I enjoy so much.
I am grateful for good friends; Jordan Aliece, Kim Diane and Sarah Lyn. Even though our paths have taken us to different places.... I am grateful for them everyday.
I love learning to play tennis, throwing parachuted, plastic ninjas off a balcony, blowing bubbles and going to piano recitals.
Ice cream is a weakness.... but so are Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwhiches.
Travis Dee is my sunshine and Brad is the best.
I really like smelling like a bon fire. I also really like smelling like I justed worked out for an hour (ok not really, but I love working out).
I love hearing other people's stories. I love trying to blend into the crowd and silently trying to change the world.
I love Baylee's fudge and Destiny's laugh. I love Kacee's smile.
General Conference is coming up. I am grateful for the oppurtunity to go home to lovely family and make an apply pie while listening to the words of God.
I am grateful for peace. I am grateful for joy. I am most grateful for my savior who allows me to feel those things in a world so crazy.
Life is beautiful. There is so much beauty to behold.
You are stronger than you think you are. You can make a bigger difference than you ever thought was possible.
I hate how I love the sky so much. I hate how I love smelling deoderant in Wal-Mart. But mosly I hate how much I love that life can be so good and so hard all at the same time.
This is what I learned this week.This week was a good one.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chocolate Captain Crunch.

The leaves are changing. Sunsets are beautiful. and Life is so good. I am now 2000 miles away from my last post's location. I miss it. Virginia is the most beautiful state. The people where as beautiful, or more.

My little sister go married... that was fun! Loved seeing so much family and friends. The past couple weeks have been absolutely insane and as I sit at the bar in my kitchen up here in Rexburg, with a list a million miles long, I can't believe I am here. I love BYU-Idaho. There does not go a day where someone makes my day just becasue of how happy everyone is. I love being surrounded by people who make me want to do and be better. I have learned alot about being back up here. Mostly, that worrying about certain things is a waste of time. A postive attitude makes any situation 10 times better. Chocolate Captain Crunch is the best invention ever. Also, going to the gym everyday has some pretty sweet benefits, my favorite? The ability to see my calf muslces. I miss my familiy back home, but feel a distinct feeling that here is where I am supposed to be. I got called to teach Gospel Doctrine... ok, so I know that my major is Elementary Education, but the thought of teaching scares me. I will need to take baby steps in order to feel comfortable talking in front of that many 7 year olds... now lets talk about the twenty or so young adults who will be staring at me this Sunday. Here's my thoughts though, I am so excited. This gospel is something I am passionate about, so why not try to understand it better and teach it to others?? right? :)
I ran into Elaine at the store today (she is the cutest old lady I used to visit last semester at the Senior Center) her husband had died since I was gone. She is the happiest lady ever, I want to be more like here.
There was this one boy in one of my classes who is so nice and gave me a reall nice compliment; I am going to be more like that.
I ran into Michelle Christensen; she LOVES life and was an absolute bright spot in my day. I am going to be more like that.
People can make such a difference in other lives; they have in mine this week My goal; make a positive difference in someone else's life.
I am going to go and not be scared of all the BEAUTIFUL oppurtunities that are in front of me. I am going to start living as if I was dying. Life is too short, and there is too much good.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fat Free, tapioca pudding.

As I was sitting on my bed, eating some fat free tapioca pudding (it has replaced the chocolate chip cookies in my life) I remembered that I have a blog. So here we are.

I leave to Utah in 9 days... I have honestly have had a countdown from 40. (It was the first mentally comrehendable number) And let me tell you, I could not be more excited. I have absolutely loved my time in Virginia. I have just decided that being a live in nanny  is NOT a good future career for me. I feel like a got a small taste of how the real world lives, while out here this summer. I was away from family, away from the mormon bubbles (Idaho and Utah) and introduced to how the average human of this race lives. I also have come to an appreciation for missionary work, enjoying the little things and surrounding myself with family and good friends. My little sister gets married super soon, that's been the hardest part for me. Not being able to be there for all the little things. Bridal showers, picking out lingrie (em) and eating future being married ice cream. That girl, along with my older sister, are my best friends. HERE I COME SISTERS!!

Single people out here are successful. My singles ward has all sorts of professionals doing really professional things. It has been an honor for me to rub shoulders with some pretty cool accountants, political people and chefs. I love the east coast fashion, good thing everyone in Utah might judge me when I come home and wear my navy blue elephant blouse with gold buttons.

I have learned that little kids understand more than I ever thought they did. That dinner for four adults is really not that hard to cook and that this church is true. I have never interacted with missionaries before, really. Working as a member missionary myself. It's just never been needed before. I was always intimidated by them. But as my age is ever increasing, I find myself older and less intimidated by them and more grateful for their service. Two years is along time. The missionaries in the Langley ward are great and I have really enjoyed being able to go to baptisms of people my age and watch their faith grow after they are batpized.

I am excited, and nervous, to come home. I have just told myself, for so long that this whole nannying all day is life. Now, that it's not anymore... here I come real world. Hopefully some dating, some good guitar playing and peace comes from returning home. It will. But... I feel like I am going to miss those boys. Three little boys that never ceased to make me smile. I am grateful for them.

Also, on my list of grattitudes is a girl named Megan. My so called "roomate" the past 4 months. I have never met a more patient, funny, great girl... ever. I will miss her. And she still ceases to judge me, or that she has told me. But she has big things waiting her... GO MEGAN!

I will come back her some day. I will have my own kids some day... but not right now. My east coast/children cup is full for a good while.
Happy August! Next time I post, my life will most likely be quite different. Can't wait!

Pics from my adventure to the Library of Congress and the National Capitol.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I decided today... I will be an optimist.

I have been on search for the past couple weeks.
The search for what I think is important in life. Still finding it, but have discovered more reccently out here than I ever have before.
 I have been given so many oppurtuities out here: my most reccent happenings include going to Ford's theatre. I decided that I admire Abraham Lincoln so much. He had so much on the line and did his best. The was a quote from W.E.B. Dubois that said something to the effect of, "he wasn't perfect but he was triumphant", I decided that would be the definition of my life. My future son will be named Abraham. I have met some pretty awesome people. I have taken up reading and have fallen in love with running and keeping my room clean. I miss my family and friends a whole lot.
Life is too short. I am commited to making every day count. The babies in my life right now are the best. I don't go a day without a small headache or some baby barf on me. I love them and the West family for giving me this oppurtunity. There is so much ahead.

I decided that today I want to be an optimist. There is so much beauty and blessings to behold. I decided to stop looking for everything that is wrong. Life is full of adventure and is only worth living if filled with people you love. I have 3 short weeks left to be out in the Distirct of Columbia. I love the history out here, I love the philosophies and the Virginian skyline. Life is too short.

When I get back to Utah I am going to hug everyone of my siblings so hard, I am going to hug the mountains and I am going to sleep outside... on the trampoline. I am excited to go back up to school and learn as much as my little brain can hold. As for the next three weeks... I am going to hug those babies, go camping at the beach and live everyday with as much wonder as I can.

Love that mom. Love that dad. Love those siblings. Love those friends. I decided to shower more often ;) and have offically an east coast girl. I am so blessed to be here with so many great people. I am very blessed.

Love those books.

Ford's Theatre.

True about everyone who has conquered.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


So this one time, I have lived in Virginia for almost 3 months. I have finally gotten used to the Katie life as nanny.It seems like a couple of days ago that I was up in Rexburg and home for a couple of days.
 Here's how it's going right now:

Went to the nation's capital on her birthday to help her celebrate. Talk about a crowd of millions of people. Great people who know how to celebrate. I enjoyed monuments surrounding me, the people and the frisbee after the fireworks.
Realized after a round of mini golf in 100% humidity, that I have alot of golf skills to improve.
Decided that the card game "fact or crap" is someone's good itention of testing knowledge to really be statistics. (your best guess will really on let you win on average 50% of the time)
Missing the family a little bit. The seem to be just fine without me, yet... maybe when I get home they will realize how much they missed me :)
I attended the baptism of a girl on Saturday that I didn't even know. I realized that I am inspired by people who live their lives by simple faith.
I have taken up reading. Hunger games have been on my mind this week. It is a little bit of a stretch to be enjoyable, but hey... I have to figure out what happens!
I reccently survived a storm that took out trees that knocked the power out for 3 days. No power. No water. My little person that has never experienced a natural disaster maybe had a couple of rough days. Kind of felt like the world was going to end. It was probably a mixture of the heat, the no food supply and no showers... SO grateful for the modern conviences that I have grown so accustomed to.
Went to a Nats game on Saturday and baked in 104 degree weather. They won. I fried. And I definitly enjoyed it.

Life is good. Everything will be just fine. Crazy how time presses forward; it never stops.
Life isn't always what I expect. People change and curcumstances do as well. This happens for everyone. Yet, because I have chosen this gospel as my way of life, I know that everything will be ok.

One time, on the fourth of July I ate lunch at Panda Express. My fortune said this

"Don't count time, make time count."

That has become my philosphy. I live for crazy adventures, laughing alot and making sure life consits of the people I love. This life really isn't that complicated. I am trying to fill mine with so much good that there is no room for the bad. MUSH. as my sister would say. :) miss those girls. Miss those friends. miss those parents. even the dogs that annoy me and enjoy it a little too much.

I have one month until I am home in Utah. Crazy that this adventure that has been so real to me... will be over.

Baseball Girls. Love them!

Me and Megan, just being nannies.

My best little bud Spenc telling me how much he loves the beach.

Love this place. The place that feels like home, so many miles away.

 Megan's boyfriend Bryce Harper just warming up.

An early morning excursion to the temple, took 1 1/2 hours. Gave food to a hungry man. And had a really great day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The life of a firefly.

Out here, on the east coast, there are these things I have discovered called fireflies.:) 
Everyone who is native the area, judges the fact that I am SO amazed by them.
Last night, I caught one.
 As I was doing so I was talking to a friend and asked him the point of fireflies.
My answer was simple, yet so profound to me at the time.
"To make your yard more beautiful",  was my answer.

I being selfish, applied this to myself. It made me stop and think. This beautiful creature has no other prupose on this earth than to make my life more beautiful. Then I was brought to the thought of flowers, and sunsets. Candles, laughing and color. Temples are beautifully amazing, I think because heaven is the same way.
There is so much in this life to behold. So much to enjoy.
The fact that there are fireflies is a testimony to me that God wants me to be happy.
He sends me fireflies so that I can make it through the tough times. Let me tell you, there are tough times. I am pretty sure anyone who has lived past the age of 1, knows this. There will always be tough times, but I  know that as I focus on the beautiful and good things in life, that they will pass through me and I will be better because of them.
Just some thoughts.

Yesterday, I went to the beach. In annapolis. Part of the Chesapeake. Then to a first day of summer BBQ with some really great people.

The Beach.

I love to shower. bananas. sun roofs and the windows down. i love classical music. running. bodies of water. and people who live life and don't care what other people think.
My life is great when I focus on the people I encounter on my way.
I miss my family a baby bit. I miss my friends back home. But here is where I need to be.

My new Philiophy in life is now: simplicity.

 Also, side note: I went to Arlington National Cemetary last weekend. I enjoyed it SO much. The whole time I was reminded of my Grandpa. I was inspired by the countless lives of courage. I loved every moment of it. I am grateful.

Monday, June 11, 2012


So this one time, now, my day to day
 life vs. adventure ratio is higher than
it has ever been previously.
 I have done 6 things on my bucketlist I would like to share.

#1: caught a crab.
 This consisted of me using a rope with a raw piece of chicken on the end and waiting. Waiting, and waiting. Waiting for what you might ask? I will answer: waiting for a crab to attatch itself to my piece of chicken and then slowly pull it up. Once visible, it was caught with a net. Yes, this takes intense concentration and skill (not really any at all). Yet, I waited and pulled. Ending up with a baby crab. Had to throw that one back. I named it, don't worry. Benny.

#2: Slept under the stars on the bank of the Chesapeke Bay.
 It was such lovely night, I brought out a sleeping bag and watched the stars until I feel asleep. Running total of shooting stars:1. I woke up to the sunrise at 5:30. It is probably the best thing I have done since being out here.

#3: Jumping spontaneously into jelly fish infested waters.
Yep, I got stung. I wasn't thinking and thought a dip in the bay would be FUN. I realized that my implusiveness is not always the safest characteristic to have, but hey it only hurt for a baby bit, and then swelled. I was told at leas one million times that peeing on it takes the sting away... didn't try it, but thanks for the advice.

#4: Went sailing.
 This inpsired me to live in North Carolina when I get older. I love the east coast. The fashion, the architecture, the history: all of it. There are so many people out here, everything is so much more diverse than my life in the mormon bubble. I am not complaing, I am just grateful for the oppurtunity to rub shoulders with some amazing people that have different philosophies than I do. Oh right, sailing. Loved it, sooo relaxing. I am definitly more of a speed boat type girl, press down the peddle and go really fast... that's my style.

#5: Saw fireflies.
It was the best thing that has happened to me since I have been here. Fireflies are the most captivating bug I have ever met. I watched them for at least 10 minutes, in front of a strangers house. They had no idea what I was doing, but their fireflies where so great. It was definitly an indescribable moment. If I HAD to describe it in one word, it would be: classy. I have never seen them before and all I wanted to do was take them all home and put them in my room. Although, up close and without a light... not so cute.

#6: Gained a deeper testimony of the gospel and the church.
 Still in progress and will be the rest of my life but while out here I have had many times where I had no where to go except my knees. Sometimes God is the only one in whom comfort can be found and strength can come from. Life is hard sometimes and only focusing on that is not a very fun way to live. After a while I got sick of that view because I truly do have SO much to be grateful for. So I prayed to see the good in my, and my little Katie self has found she has no room to receive all the blessings God has helped me realized. I have gained a more real testimony of my Savior's love and reality. Despite how impossible someting feels, with God NOTHING is impossible.

 And that is why my life is beautiful today.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Some like it burnt.

Soooo, tonight I burned dinner.
 I was making chicken and rice burritos and the rice burned real bad to the bottom of the pan. I have yet to burn anything. Well, if grilled cheese counts, then yes.... once before. I was able to fix it and make it look like it never happend, there was just alot less rice than I started with. Yet, by the end of the summer, my cooking skills will hopefully be epic. I have gained a love for cooking and a million pounds. But hey, I feel like it is worth it.
Adventures of the week:
Tornado warning today. Absolute pouring rain. I amcompletly in love.  Summer storms rock my world.
On my run today there was a real live turtle crossing the road. Me and Megan named in Rodney.

On my run on Tuesday, I left and it was drizzling: 2 minutes later it was pouring. I came home 20 minutes later completly soaking wet... and it was beautiful.
I got to eat white chocolate popcorn while watching the TLC channel. 2 of the most grand things.
I love Owen, Olive and Spencer. Sometimes they drive me a little crazy, but the fact that they smile when I come in the room is great. I would consider them my best friends right now.
Whenever I go to institute it is exactly what I need to hear.
My little sister inspired me. I love her view of life and want to incoporate it into my life, I called it the plan of ulitmate domination.
My thought process went from "what is being out here preparing me for" to "what happened in the past to prepare me for this"and then I got inpsired. God is very involved in my life. I can't see any farther than next week, but he sees it all. He knows what I need.
He also knows that sometimes I freak out, he helps me through that. He knows that rain is my favorite weather and that sometimes frosted flakes are THE BIGGEST tempation for me to aviod.
My friend from the ward is getting baptized tomorrow and I am making brownies for it. Yep, it is what she requested. I have never been to baptism of someone my age, I find it super refreshing. I also really love missionaries. The 2 missionaries in my ward are super great. It's wierd that missionaries are my same age. For the longest time, they were real old. Now, I am older than most of them.
 I love how there are so many different people in this world all in search of  many different things. But we all want to be happy. Everyone is the sum of what they have been through and my goal is to understand that and enjoy the person they have become because of that.
I fell in love with bananas reccently and they are SO good. They go well in oatmeal, which is what has become a regular with my morning routine.
I am blessed. These are just a couple reason why life is beautiful. I am now going to go say goodnight to the cutest little boys and then spend my Friday night dominating pile of laundry that has accumulated ALL over my room.
These are the faces I get to wake up every morning.
My first Nation Baseball game... worst hot dog ever.
Went to the zoo with Tara's super cute nanny children, and we saw llamas.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

So Wesley is at the vet right now, for that I am gratefule. Wesley is the nanny family's cat who has been barfing all over the house for at least a week. He has made his mark in every room, I hope he feels better shortly- I have a phobia of barf. Yesterday I went to the cutest little town Memorial Day celebration. There's this classy town named Vienna and me and Tara went there to check it out. It was the epitome of summer. Kids laughing while eating cotton candy, good music and street vendors ALL OVER! Good thing I didn't bring cash or else I would have bought everything. After that I spent the day by the pool while conversing with 6 other nannies who are out here for the summer in my ward. I think it's funny that we spent most of the time telling stoires of the kids, or some ridiculous moments with the parent/nanny discipling techniques. Surprisingly, it was enjoyable- it was good to hear that this is not only sometimes hard and awkward for me. We THEN went to a park to play a friendly game of football. Yep, not a huge footballer; but the boys I played with persuaded me to join them- so basically that means I ran from side to side never touching the balls. Boys can be so competitive.

On Saturday my adventures led me to a town called Bethesda to watch the coolest documentary about people who dominate life and follow their dreams. I ate at 5 guys for the first time- not too impressed, and then ate THE MOST DELICIOUS cupcake from georgetown cupcakes, and then went home to spend the next 24 hours preparing a talk that I gave in church on Sunday.

Life is great: Current life lesson I am learning- the power of positive thinking. About life in general, myself, and other people. It changes perspective which then is a catalyst to almost every other facet in life. I have so much to look forward too, and and grateful for all that I am able to experience.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Adventures of the Day

After yet another day, I am grateful to be able to say I am alive. I just finished making spinach lasagana for a family of three. Yet, I guess I thought there was 10 hungry men eating with us because that is how much I made. Over the weekend I had a lovely trip to the national zoo, it was a beautiful day. Me and Tara  brought two of her nanny children and it was so much fun. I am grateful for Tara, she is such a good friend.
It was a good reminder to me that life is beautiful today... the fact that when I woke up this morning I had a comfy bed and a breakfast waiting for me. The fact that three little boys need me and where waiting with a smile. The fact that I was able to read my scriptures and find answers to life's little problems. The fact that when I called my mom, she answered and like she always does, reminded me that everything will be ok. The fact that I called Sarah Martin and she told me all about her life and it made me grateful for where I have been and the people I have met. The fact that when I called Kim Welch last night, she go super excited about her garden that she is planting with Vic and the fact that for fun they went to an Elderly dance, all dressed up. The fact that when I wrote Jordan Boone a note of facebook she replied and then called back. The fact that my little sister loves me and wants to talk to me. I was reminded that life is beautiful when I remember the people I have met in every stage of my life. The fact that where ever you go in the world, the outside is always more peaceful and open than the inside of my room. The fact that I have so many people rooting for me not to fail. There are voices and people always trying to bring people who try to do and be good down, if you look for them, you will find them. There is so much good and beauty in this world, you just need to look for it. It is out there. This is what I strive to do everyday.
Tomorrow is Wednesday and I get to do this all again. I love it out here. I love the people I have met and the oppurtunities I have been given. I am grateful Tara is out here with me, she is such a strength to me. 
Life. is. Beautiful.
Trust in the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding... The fact that I am not doing this alone or trying to figure out the best path by myself also is a reminder to me today that life. is. beautiful.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Steve Jobs inspired me today.

While I was holding a sleeping Spencer baby today, I was looking up speeches. The two "speeches" that I found where from Steve Jobs and Richarad G. Scott. Today was the beginning of a new way of thinking for me. I decided I was going to start writing poetry. Yes, I was going to get creative. The other options where dance, music or painting. Dance got ruled out by my lack of grace, no to music because when I have time the babies are sleeping, and painting I feel like would create a sort of crazy, katie image. So, I will write my first poem tonight and report later.
Steve Job's did a good job at inspiring me. He was talking about his successes and failures and I realized that he changed the world. I want to do the same. It will require me to have more of just a vision of tomorrow. I looked a little into my future today and I saw great things. The trouble with seeing great things in the future is the problem of getting stuck in today. Looking at my life right now it's hard to believe I could be somewhere else within 2-3 years. It dawned on my yesterday that I turn 21 this year. Yep. the average age of the world I know is alot older, I am just sayin it hit me.
Richard G. Scott taught me how to find joy in life. It is so easy for me to not look at a bigger persepective than what is in front of me. I enjoyed my day today, which is alot to say considering the past little bit of my life. I know that this life is to be enjoyed. Why do you think God put so much on this earth that beautiful and amazing. It is so that our day to day doesn't get drowned out with negative things. The miracle is this life is the ability to get through it having loved things and enjoyed others. This summer here in Virginia, although has merely begun, has been so great.
Skype is a great invention, I love to listen to music, running helps me conquer the world and I eat way to much ice cream for my body type/gender. My favorite thing in the world is laughing so hard, that my body decides to cry and tomorrow will be a great day.
I am grateful for Megan and the family I live with. Cooking is not my strength, but the art must be conquered. I decided yesterday that I would not serve this family one more burnt meal :)

here are the sources of greatness:"finding+joy"

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The journey of a million miles on a humid day.

So yesterday I awoke from the daze of having me live out here to be normal, and I was paddle boating on a lake between the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument. yep. That is the moment I realzied where I was and how blessed I am for being out here.
This week was a little rough, but hey... th kids are still alive, I am still out here and I got to enjoy a great day.
Wierd thought that came to my mind. As I follow the twin's schedule of waking them up, feeding them, play time, poopy diapers- I realized how predicable human nature is. We all eat 3 times a day, we eat a around the same hours, it amazed me how similar we all run, yet how different every person is.
 I went to the Haulocaust Musem yesterday. That was a really interesting experience. Not because what happened was inticing, but because of all I learned and realized about people's life stories. Through some of the greatest heartache, came some of the most noble and courageous acts of people who were brutally treated and killed. Going through the musem was a slightly horrifying experience, it is made to stir emotion and help the people who pass through the halls how real this was for the people who experienced it. There is a portion of the musem where there are only shoes, the shoes of not even a fraction of all the people who were murdered. I thought of my shoes, and the shoes of my friends. And then I started to cry, Those people where real, what they experienced was real. There were heroic stories and tragic stories, but I think everyone who went through that experience to be so strong.
 I thank them for their example, I will live my life to the fullest for them. I have oppurtunity and the chance to be myself, in a country that promotes individuality. I am thankful for that and God, who makes that possible.
I was a little depressed afterwards,but was we walked over to the Washington Monument there was one of the most beautiful sigthts....a Cinco de Mayo celebration. Yes, me and the two girls I was wiht stuck out like a sore thumb-but hey, good music and fun people dancing to Regge Lation music...sweet.
In case of lack of knowledge, I make the family I live with dinner every night, I would just like to report that this week went SO much better than the past 3. I am just saying, cooking is an art, and I am here to master it.
Like I mentioned at the beginning,  on Saturday, I took a paddle boat across a bay in the Potomac River and made my way over to see the Jefferson memorial. The buildings and architecture out here amaze me. I said hi to the giant Jefferson, and then paddle my way back with Tara and Megan. Paddling a boat is no fun business, it's more like a workout. That's how they make their money, people come back super early because it actually takes work. haha
At night time we all met up with some friends and ate dinner and went to the movie The Avengers. Which was a good movie, I just think I have some smallish form of ADD- I can't focus on the movie for long enough to enjoy it. I am just thinking of the million of others things I could be doing, hiking... a much better option.
Life is good, this weekend was heaven sent. Got to store it all up to last me until next weekend.
Lesson of the week: slow down, don't stress. Enjoy the moment. Stress and worry will always follow any situation in life, so I decided to put it on the back burner and say I would deal with it later... and guess what, life is so much better. Yes, there are negative things to think about and do, but there is so much more good and uplifting things that I decided not to give the negative things the room they want in my life.
That's all.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

oh Virginia.

Virginia is a beautiful place!

I spent 14 hours on a plane in the span of 2 days flying home for the beautiful Jordan Boone's wedding. She was so happy, I was SOO happy for her and Brace. I am grateful I have such a good example to look up to, I LOVE her.

I enjoyed seeing my family, but it felt super wierd to be home, like I was living 2 lives. I met the most interesting people at the airport and in the process of my trek across the country. The airplane ride was a little sketchy, seeing as turbulence was INSANE!

This weekend was spent back in rainy Virginia. Me and Tara attempted to make our way to the city, but decided it wasn't worth it. SOOO, instead we tried a new resturaunt probably not known to .0001 more than the population of Virginia. It was called, Golden China, refreshing name eh? They gave portions the size of China. Then we went to the thrift store and tried on all sorts of nothings for a least 90 minutes. I bought two skirts. I was pleased with them until I got home. They are super ugly, the light of the thrift store sold me. Never again. We then ventured to a town called Reston and met up with a bunch of friends and had a fun night eating and then played a game.

I realized that I LOVE to grocery shop and do laundry. I love to ride in the car and I absolutely love music. The ward I attend out here is fabulous, the church is great where ever I am in this world. I am so grateful for the oppurtunity I have to be out here and experiencing these things. Something I never thought was plausable. There are so much things to learn and accomplish, I decided I am going to go out and accomplish it all!

Monday, April 23, 2012

i became a little more American.

Someone thought it would be a good idea for 5 girls, from BYU-Idaho to venture into the Nation's capital...IT WAS AMAZING!
There is so much to see and interesting people to be surrounded by. This is what I found to be beautiful on this adventurous day:
An overpriced pedicure feels the same as a normal priced pedicure...except the people who work there want larger tips.
I decided that I like to spend $8.00 on a soggy salad, while sitting on the banks of the Potomac River.
Lincoln Memorial is my favorite place to visit... thus far. The stairs, the view of the Washington Monument, all the visions of what I learned in my American History class. I stood where Martin Luther King Jr. stood and said "I have a dream." That inspired me to catch a vision. I started to, now I just need to finish it. 
Downtown bakery's make the BEST pumpkin spice muffins ever.
The city streets and designs of the buildings, the architecture and the landscaping... All the most beautiful things I have yet to see. I wanted to do everything.
The war memorials were amazing. It made me miss my Grandpa, he was an amazing man. They had war veterans there one Saturday, war veterans who fought for this country. I saw the look on their faces of pride and respect for those who had gone before. I overheard stories of war wives and battles. I became a little more American today.
The metro- although dirty, is a very convenient way to get around (as long as you don't loose your ticket). 
I went to a astronomer's club and looked at the rings of Saturn through a telescope (bucket list #34...done) It was amazing! The stars are the prettiest things. It makes me miss the western sky.
The rules of the metro include... don't look people in the eye and no one has a bubble.
I learned that on escalators you stand on the right, so people can walk left. What a concept. 
It is so pretty here and the sun is finally starting to peek out after a couple of rainy days. I am a very blessed girl. I have family and friends that have yet to forget me, although I am hundreds of miles away. I have learned that although sometimes I feel alone, I am not. This has taught me to rely upon my Savior for day to day happiness, something I have never had to do before.
I fly out to Utah tomorrow to attend Jordan Boone Wedding. Grape colored dress here I come!!
The singles ward out here... like any other. You find great people where-ever you go.
This is an adventure. Every day brings a new challenge.
I am grateful.

Friday, April 20, 2012

My New Philosophy.

I took an educational philosophy class this past semester and was absolutely amazed at how we as humans think. Everyone has their own experiences that shape how they think about life... the coolest part about this concept is that everyone is entitled to their own opinions AND even cooler since I live in America I can express that in the way I live and who I am.

My new philosophy is this. I am in no way in control of where Heavenly Father wants me to be, yet I chose it because I believe He knows whats best for me. Life is full on the unknown, uncertainty in life is really the only thing that is certain. There will be trials, but I am here to prove that I have the necessary hope and faith to face the unknown and go after my dreams.

Being in Washington D.C. taught me this. The fact that the church is true no matter where you go taught me this. For all of those people who have no idea what's coming next, I am right there with you. Even though it would be really easy to question and doubt, the harder more glorious thing is to face each day with a smile. Today was the first day I told myself, "Self, why are you worrying so much about going home? I want to be here." yep, totally normal to talk to myself as if I am another person, but I listened. This is where I am supposed to be. I want to be here. I want to experience all these things and play with children all day. I look forward to the end of 4 months, but I wouldn't want it to be over unless I tried my hardest and got a little dirty along the way.

I will be ok. You will be ok.

The happiness I find in this life is really up to me. I decide what I look for. I love my mom, she's my best friend. I love my dad too.

Life is a journey. It doesn't matter where you are, what matters is what you do with the sphere you have influence over.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Place of living: Great Falls, Virginia

I should probably re-title this blog to "A nanny life. is. beautiful. "
Seeing as my life now includes two waddling twin boys and a newborn that sometimes only cries when I hold him. 
Yep, I willingly agreed to fly to Washington, D.C. (by myself). Get into a car with a stranger and live their family's house. They are nice and the nanny I live with is also really nice. 
I had a break down on day two. and freak out on day four...also church day. and today it is currently day six. 
and what an improvement a little bit of sleep and having Christ by my side has made my outlook. 
Tara got here on day four! She is a wonderful human being. BTW: she is my roommate.

Thought of the day:
"wanting to be someone you are not is a waste of the person you are"

I am in love with these words. Have you ever thought of words, how 26 letters put together in different ways makes you feel so many emotions when they enter your eyes. I love living life. Sometimes it gets hard, sometimes a challenge arises. Let me tell you what, I am ahead in the race against change. When everything stays the same and life just goes from day to day...perfect. Yet, because I am so comfortable living that way, that's why Heavenly Father sees it fit that life gets crazy. 
I have lived 4 different places in the past 5 months; all coming equip with their fair share of weird weather, strange people and stressful days. The past week, here in Virginia, being the most difficult. My life went from 6 hours of studying a day, living with 5 girls and  boys to 3 boys (under the age of 14 months), a beautiful state and living in a strangers house. They have been very accommodating, it's just weird to get used to. I miss my mom, she is my best friend who knows me better than I know myself. I miss my sisters who are also my best friends. I thought on two occasions that it would make life better to go home... Yep, not doing that. I am in for the long run. 
I signed up for housing at BYU-Idaho in the fall. I changed 3 poop-y diapers today. And probably increased my ability to talk to a 2 year old by 50% (better than yesterday).
I decided that being yourself is the best option, in a world trying to change you into a generic mold they make look appealing, but if you ever achieve that in this life.... you are just like everyone else.

Someday I will marry someone who doesn't care that my hair is naturally frizzy, everyday and that sometimes I say things not one soul thinks is funny but me. yep, can't wait for that day. Until then, life is beautiful.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

What a beautiful life.

Other people inspire me.
Today it was from the mouth of modern day prophets. The comfort they brought to my soul was amazing. I love how the spirit comforts and calms my sould without changing my circumstances.
I came home for conference and have spent time with the most amazing people. My little sister Haley is one of them, she 's getting married soon and I love her alot. Sometimes change is hard, but the only thing you can count on in this life is...
That it will change.
I spent time with my dear best friend Jordan Boone, who is also soon to wed. She's amazing and I look up to her SO MUCH!
My mom and sisters and dad... ooh, my dad took me fishing today. It's a daddy daughter bonding time. It's definitly not because I take fishing seriously. I seem to get caught up on the beauty of where the mountains touch the sky, or the biker passing by on the road. My concern is rarely if I catch fish. Yet, my dad LOVES IT! so we go, and we have a great time. (just in case you were wondering, I caught a total of 0 fish. My dad= 5 fish)
I have finals next week, wish me luck. AND THEN...
I am headed off to my next adventre... Washington D.C. I have a feeling this will be amazing. I am going to use all God has taught me the past couple years to change myself and the people around me for the better. Alot of challenges are ahead of me, but as I heard in conference today "Give me my next challenge." I can do everything I am asked through Jesus Christ. He has all my confidence.

Life Lesson:
No experience, no pain, no frustration is wasted as long as you learn from it. The people who come and go from your life to the next are not people that meant nothing. Each person I have ever met has changed me and made me better, made this life bearable and have been blessings. SO, learn all you can from every person and experiene. Blessings will come, prayers will be answered.

The small wonders of each day, make it worth living. Find what moves you and what you love and run with it. Be the best you can in the realm you have chosen to live it. Be successful. Don't be scared to fail. If you never take the risk that you might fail, you will never become or come up with anything original.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Life. Is. Beautiful.

It has definitely been awhile. But I embarked on a new adventure, several actually. I am at BYU-I and will be heading to Washington D.C. in April. 
Life changes so fast. No one can know where, when or how. But it changes. Life is about change. Christ loves it when we change. It is painful process, yet the results are so much more fulfilling.
Life is simple, yet confusing. The simple things are what make life worth living. It is not the size of your car, or the vastness of your house. It is the people and experiences you let in. 
Life sometimes hurt, Life sometimes leaves you bruised. But the strength you gain from getting up again is so much more important. 
Who knows what will come next. My little sister is getting married. The beautiful Jordan Boone who lives her life which such a zeal, is getting married. She is amazing. She loves life, despite the challenges. She is my light.
I love my mom. She is the most amazing person, same with my dad. I love my parents. They have taught me so much. I am so grateful for what they taught me and how they raised me. 
I am growing up. Real life is seeping in ever so slowly. I no longer can go see my sisters down the hall. I love them. They are fabulous. They are such good examples to me. I had sadness in me today because things aren't the way they used to be. But I am determined to find the good, little miracles in today.
Here we go. Who knows what is next. But I know in whom I am have trusted. I love my Savior.
Boys confuse me. I will continue to act in faith.
Today was a beautiful day. This life is a beautiful life.