Friday, June 1, 2012

Some like it burnt.

Soooo, tonight I burned dinner.
 I was making chicken and rice burritos and the rice burned real bad to the bottom of the pan. I have yet to burn anything. Well, if grilled cheese counts, then yes.... once before. I was able to fix it and make it look like it never happend, there was just alot less rice than I started with. Yet, by the end of the summer, my cooking skills will hopefully be epic. I have gained a love for cooking and a million pounds. But hey, I feel like it is worth it.
Adventures of the week:
Tornado warning today. Absolute pouring rain. I amcompletly in love.  Summer storms rock my world.
On my run today there was a real live turtle crossing the road. Me and Megan named in Rodney.

On my run on Tuesday, I left and it was drizzling: 2 minutes later it was pouring. I came home 20 minutes later completly soaking wet... and it was beautiful.
I got to eat white chocolate popcorn while watching the TLC channel. 2 of the most grand things.
I love Owen, Olive and Spencer. Sometimes they drive me a little crazy, but the fact that they smile when I come in the room is great. I would consider them my best friends right now.
Whenever I go to institute it is exactly what I need to hear.
My little sister inspired me. I love her view of life and want to incoporate it into my life, I called it the plan of ulitmate domination.
My thought process went from "what is being out here preparing me for" to "what happened in the past to prepare me for this"and then I got inpsired. God is very involved in my life. I can't see any farther than next week, but he sees it all. He knows what I need.
He also knows that sometimes I freak out, he helps me through that. He knows that rain is my favorite weather and that sometimes frosted flakes are THE BIGGEST tempation for me to aviod.
My friend from the ward is getting baptized tomorrow and I am making brownies for it. Yep, it is what she requested. I have never been to baptism of someone my age, I find it super refreshing. I also really love missionaries. The 2 missionaries in my ward are super great. It's wierd that missionaries are my same age. For the longest time, they were real old. Now, I am older than most of them.
 I love how there are so many different people in this world all in search of  many different things. But we all want to be happy. Everyone is the sum of what they have been through and my goal is to understand that and enjoy the person they have become because of that.
I fell in love with bananas reccently and they are SO good. They go well in oatmeal, which is what has become a regular with my morning routine.
I am blessed. These are just a couple reason why life is beautiful. I am now going to go say goodnight to the cutest little boys and then spend my Friday night dominating pile of laundry that has accumulated ALL over my room.
These are the faces I get to wake up every morning.
My first Nation Baseball game... worst hot dog ever.
Went to the zoo with Tara's super cute nanny children, and we saw llamas.

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