Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chocolate Captain Crunch.

The leaves are changing. Sunsets are beautiful. and Life is so good. I am now 2000 miles away from my last post's location. I miss it. Virginia is the most beautiful state. The people where as beautiful, or more.

My little sister go married... that was fun! Loved seeing so much family and friends. The past couple weeks have been absolutely insane and as I sit at the bar in my kitchen up here in Rexburg, with a list a million miles long, I can't believe I am here. I love BYU-Idaho. There does not go a day where someone makes my day just becasue of how happy everyone is. I love being surrounded by people who make me want to do and be better. I have learned alot about being back up here. Mostly, that worrying about certain things is a waste of time. A postive attitude makes any situation 10 times better. Chocolate Captain Crunch is the best invention ever. Also, going to the gym everyday has some pretty sweet benefits, my favorite? The ability to see my calf muslces. I miss my familiy back home, but feel a distinct feeling that here is where I am supposed to be. I got called to teach Gospel Doctrine... ok, so I know that my major is Elementary Education, but the thought of teaching scares me. I will need to take baby steps in order to feel comfortable talking in front of that many 7 year olds... now lets talk about the twenty or so young adults who will be staring at me this Sunday. Here's my thoughts though, I am so excited. This gospel is something I am passionate about, so why not try to understand it better and teach it to others?? right? :)
I ran into Elaine at the store today (she is the cutest old lady I used to visit last semester at the Senior Center) her husband had died since I was gone. She is the happiest lady ever, I want to be more like here.
There was this one boy in one of my classes who is so nice and gave me a reall nice compliment; I am going to be more like that.
I ran into Michelle Christensen; she LOVES life and was an absolute bright spot in my day. I am going to be more like that.
People can make such a difference in other lives; they have in mine this week My goal; make a positive difference in someone else's life.
I am going to go and not be scared of all the BEAUTIFUL oppurtunities that are in front of me. I am going to start living as if I was dying. Life is too short, and there is too much good.

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