Sunday, June 24, 2012

The life of a firefly.

Out here, on the east coast, there are these things I have discovered called fireflies.:) 
Everyone who is native the area, judges the fact that I am SO amazed by them.
Last night, I caught one.
 As I was doing so I was talking to a friend and asked him the point of fireflies.
My answer was simple, yet so profound to me at the time.
"To make your yard more beautiful",  was my answer.

I being selfish, applied this to myself. It made me stop and think. This beautiful creature has no other prupose on this earth than to make my life more beautiful. Then I was brought to the thought of flowers, and sunsets. Candles, laughing and color. Temples are beautifully amazing, I think because heaven is the same way.
There is so much in this life to behold. So much to enjoy.
The fact that there are fireflies is a testimony to me that God wants me to be happy.
He sends me fireflies so that I can make it through the tough times. Let me tell you, there are tough times. I am pretty sure anyone who has lived past the age of 1, knows this. There will always be tough times, but I  know that as I focus on the beautiful and good things in life, that they will pass through me and I will be better because of them.
Just some thoughts.

Yesterday, I went to the beach. In annapolis. Part of the Chesapeake. Then to a first day of summer BBQ with some really great people.

The Beach.

I love to shower. bananas. sun roofs and the windows down. i love classical music. running. bodies of water. and people who live life and don't care what other people think.
My life is great when I focus on the people I encounter on my way.
I miss my family a baby bit. I miss my friends back home. But here is where I need to be.

My new Philiophy in life is now: simplicity.

 Also, side note: I went to Arlington National Cemetary last weekend. I enjoyed it SO much. The whole time I was reminded of my Grandpa. I was inspired by the countless lives of courage. I loved every moment of it. I am grateful.

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