Monday, April 23, 2012

i became a little more American.

Someone thought it would be a good idea for 5 girls, from BYU-Idaho to venture into the Nation's capital...IT WAS AMAZING!
There is so much to see and interesting people to be surrounded by. This is what I found to be beautiful on this adventurous day:
An overpriced pedicure feels the same as a normal priced pedicure...except the people who work there want larger tips.
I decided that I like to spend $8.00 on a soggy salad, while sitting on the banks of the Potomac River.
Lincoln Memorial is my favorite place to visit... thus far. The stairs, the view of the Washington Monument, all the visions of what I learned in my American History class. I stood where Martin Luther King Jr. stood and said "I have a dream." That inspired me to catch a vision. I started to, now I just need to finish it. 
Downtown bakery's make the BEST pumpkin spice muffins ever.
The city streets and designs of the buildings, the architecture and the landscaping... All the most beautiful things I have yet to see. I wanted to do everything.
The war memorials were amazing. It made me miss my Grandpa, he was an amazing man. They had war veterans there one Saturday, war veterans who fought for this country. I saw the look on their faces of pride and respect for those who had gone before. I overheard stories of war wives and battles. I became a little more American today.
The metro- although dirty, is a very convenient way to get around (as long as you don't loose your ticket). 
I went to a astronomer's club and looked at the rings of Saturn through a telescope (bucket list #34...done) It was amazing! The stars are the prettiest things. It makes me miss the western sky.
The rules of the metro include... don't look people in the eye and no one has a bubble.
I learned that on escalators you stand on the right, so people can walk left. What a concept. 
It is so pretty here and the sun is finally starting to peek out after a couple of rainy days. I am a very blessed girl. I have family and friends that have yet to forget me, although I am hundreds of miles away. I have learned that although sometimes I feel alone, I am not. This has taught me to rely upon my Savior for day to day happiness, something I have never had to do before.
I fly out to Utah tomorrow to attend Jordan Boone Wedding. Grape colored dress here I come!!
The singles ward out here... like any other. You find great people where-ever you go.
This is an adventure. Every day brings a new challenge.
I am grateful.

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