Monday, June 11, 2012


So this one time, now, my day to day
 life vs. adventure ratio is higher than
it has ever been previously.
 I have done 6 things on my bucketlist I would like to share.

#1: caught a crab.
 This consisted of me using a rope with a raw piece of chicken on the end and waiting. Waiting, and waiting. Waiting for what you might ask? I will answer: waiting for a crab to attatch itself to my piece of chicken and then slowly pull it up. Once visible, it was caught with a net. Yes, this takes intense concentration and skill (not really any at all). Yet, I waited and pulled. Ending up with a baby crab. Had to throw that one back. I named it, don't worry. Benny.

#2: Slept under the stars on the bank of the Chesapeke Bay.
 It was such lovely night, I brought out a sleeping bag and watched the stars until I feel asleep. Running total of shooting stars:1. I woke up to the sunrise at 5:30. It is probably the best thing I have done since being out here.

#3: Jumping spontaneously into jelly fish infested waters.
Yep, I got stung. I wasn't thinking and thought a dip in the bay would be FUN. I realized that my implusiveness is not always the safest characteristic to have, but hey it only hurt for a baby bit, and then swelled. I was told at leas one million times that peeing on it takes the sting away... didn't try it, but thanks for the advice.

#4: Went sailing.
 This inpsired me to live in North Carolina when I get older. I love the east coast. The fashion, the architecture, the history: all of it. There are so many people out here, everything is so much more diverse than my life in the mormon bubble. I am not complaing, I am just grateful for the oppurtunity to rub shoulders with some amazing people that have different philosophies than I do. Oh right, sailing. Loved it, sooo relaxing. I am definitly more of a speed boat type girl, press down the peddle and go really fast... that's my style.

#5: Saw fireflies.
It was the best thing that has happened to me since I have been here. Fireflies are the most captivating bug I have ever met. I watched them for at least 10 minutes, in front of a strangers house. They had no idea what I was doing, but their fireflies where so great. It was definitly an indescribable moment. If I HAD to describe it in one word, it would be: classy. I have never seen them before and all I wanted to do was take them all home and put them in my room. Although, up close and without a light... not so cute.

#6: Gained a deeper testimony of the gospel and the church.
 Still in progress and will be the rest of my life but while out here I have had many times where I had no where to go except my knees. Sometimes God is the only one in whom comfort can be found and strength can come from. Life is hard sometimes and only focusing on that is not a very fun way to live. After a while I got sick of that view because I truly do have SO much to be grateful for. So I prayed to see the good in my, and my little Katie self has found she has no room to receive all the blessings God has helped me realized. I have gained a more real testimony of my Savior's love and reality. Despite how impossible someting feels, with God NOTHING is impossible.

 And that is why my life is beautiful today.

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