Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Adventures of the Day

After yet another day, I am grateful to be able to say I am alive. I just finished making spinach lasagana for a family of three. Yet, I guess I thought there was 10 hungry men eating with us because that is how much I made. Over the weekend I had a lovely trip to the national zoo, it was a beautiful day. Me and Tara  brought two of her nanny children and it was so much fun. I am grateful for Tara, she is such a good friend.
It was a good reminder to me that life is beautiful today... the fact that when I woke up this morning I had a comfy bed and a breakfast waiting for me. The fact that three little boys need me and where waiting with a smile. The fact that I was able to read my scriptures and find answers to life's little problems. The fact that when I called my mom, she answered and like she always does, reminded me that everything will be ok. The fact that I called Sarah Martin and she told me all about her life and it made me grateful for where I have been and the people I have met. The fact that when I called Kim Welch last night, she go super excited about her garden that she is planting with Vic and the fact that for fun they went to an Elderly dance, all dressed up. The fact that when I wrote Jordan Boone a note of facebook she replied and then called back. The fact that my little sister loves me and wants to talk to me. I was reminded that life is beautiful when I remember the people I have met in every stage of my life. The fact that where ever you go in the world, the outside is always more peaceful and open than the inside of my room. The fact that I have so many people rooting for me not to fail. There are voices and people always trying to bring people who try to do and be good down, if you look for them, you will find them. There is so much good and beauty in this world, you just need to look for it. It is out there. This is what I strive to do everyday.
Tomorrow is Wednesday and I get to do this all again. I love it out here. I love the people I have met and the oppurtunities I have been given. I am grateful Tara is out here with me, she is such a strength to me. 
Life. is. Beautiful.
Trust in the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding... The fact that I am not doing this alone or trying to figure out the best path by myself also is a reminder to me today that life. is. beautiful.

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