Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Steve Jobs inspired me today.

While I was holding a sleeping Spencer baby today, I was looking up speeches. The two "speeches" that I found where from Steve Jobs and Richarad G. Scott. Today was the beginning of a new way of thinking for me. I decided I was going to start writing poetry. Yes, I was going to get creative. The other options where dance, music or painting. Dance got ruled out by my lack of grace, no to music because when I have time the babies are sleeping, and painting I feel like would create a sort of crazy, katie image. So, I will write my first poem tonight and report later.
Steve Job's did a good job at inspiring me. He was talking about his successes and failures and I realized that he changed the world. I want to do the same. It will require me to have more of just a vision of tomorrow. I looked a little into my future today and I saw great things. The trouble with seeing great things in the future is the problem of getting stuck in today. Looking at my life right now it's hard to believe I could be somewhere else within 2-3 years. It dawned on my yesterday that I turn 21 this year. Yep. the average age of the world I know is alot older, I am just sayin it hit me.
Richard G. Scott taught me how to find joy in life. It is so easy for me to not look at a bigger persepective than what is in front of me. I enjoyed my day today, which is alot to say considering the past little bit of my life. I know that this life is to be enjoyed. Why do you think God put so much on this earth that beautiful and amazing. It is so that our day to day doesn't get drowned out with negative things. The miracle is this life is the ability to get through it having loved things and enjoyed others. This summer here in Virginia, although has merely begun, has been so great.
Skype is a great invention, I love to listen to music, running helps me conquer the world and I eat way to much ice cream for my body type/gender. My favorite thing in the world is laughing so hard, that my body decides to cry and tomorrow will be a great day.
I am grateful for Megan and the family I live with. Cooking is not my strength, but the art must be conquered. I decided yesterday that I would not serve this family one more burnt meal :)

here are the sources of greatness:

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