Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

So Wesley is at the vet right now, for that I am gratefule. Wesley is the nanny family's cat who has been barfing all over the house for at least a week. He has made his mark in every room, I hope he feels better shortly- I have a phobia of barf. Yesterday I went to the cutest little town Memorial Day celebration. There's this classy town named Vienna and me and Tara went there to check it out. It was the epitome of summer. Kids laughing while eating cotton candy, good music and street vendors ALL OVER! Good thing I didn't bring cash or else I would have bought everything. After that I spent the day by the pool while conversing with 6 other nannies who are out here for the summer in my ward. I think it's funny that we spent most of the time telling stoires of the kids, or some ridiculous moments with the parent/nanny discipling techniques. Surprisingly, it was enjoyable- it was good to hear that this is not only sometimes hard and awkward for me. We THEN went to a park to play a friendly game of football. Yep, not a huge footballer; but the boys I played with persuaded me to join them- so basically that means I ran from side to side never touching the balls. Boys can be so competitive.

On Saturday my adventures led me to a town called Bethesda to watch the coolest documentary about people who dominate life and follow their dreams. I ate at 5 guys for the first time- not too impressed, and then ate THE MOST DELICIOUS cupcake from georgetown cupcakes, and then went home to spend the next 24 hours preparing a talk that I gave in church on Sunday.

Life is great: Current life lesson I am learning- the power of positive thinking. About life in general, myself, and other people. It changes perspective which then is a catalyst to almost every other facet in life. I have so much to look forward too, and and grateful for all that I am able to experience.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Adventures of the Day

After yet another day, I am grateful to be able to say I am alive. I just finished making spinach lasagana for a family of three. Yet, I guess I thought there was 10 hungry men eating with us because that is how much I made. Over the weekend I had a lovely trip to the national zoo, it was a beautiful day. Me and Tara  brought two of her nanny children and it was so much fun. I am grateful for Tara, she is such a good friend.
It was a good reminder to me that life is beautiful today... the fact that when I woke up this morning I had a comfy bed and a breakfast waiting for me. The fact that three little boys need me and where waiting with a smile. The fact that I was able to read my scriptures and find answers to life's little problems. The fact that when I called my mom, she answered and like she always does, reminded me that everything will be ok. The fact that I called Sarah Martin and she told me all about her life and it made me grateful for where I have been and the people I have met. The fact that when I called Kim Welch last night, she go super excited about her garden that she is planting with Vic and the fact that for fun they went to an Elderly dance, all dressed up. The fact that when I wrote Jordan Boone a note of facebook she replied and then called back. The fact that my little sister loves me and wants to talk to me. I was reminded that life is beautiful when I remember the people I have met in every stage of my life. The fact that where ever you go in the world, the outside is always more peaceful and open than the inside of my room. The fact that I have so many people rooting for me not to fail. There are voices and people always trying to bring people who try to do and be good down, if you look for them, you will find them. There is so much good and beauty in this world, you just need to look for it. It is out there. This is what I strive to do everyday.
Tomorrow is Wednesday and I get to do this all again. I love it out here. I love the people I have met and the oppurtunities I have been given. I am grateful Tara is out here with me, she is such a strength to me. 
Life. is. Beautiful.
Trust in the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding... The fact that I am not doing this alone or trying to figure out the best path by myself also is a reminder to me today that life. is. beautiful.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Steve Jobs inspired me today.

While I was holding a sleeping Spencer baby today, I was looking up speeches. The two "speeches" that I found where from Steve Jobs and Richarad G. Scott. Today was the beginning of a new way of thinking for me. I decided I was going to start writing poetry. Yes, I was going to get creative. The other options where dance, music or painting. Dance got ruled out by my lack of grace, no to music because when I have time the babies are sleeping, and painting I feel like would create a sort of crazy, katie image. So, I will write my first poem tonight and report later.
Steve Job's did a good job at inspiring me. He was talking about his successes and failures and I realized that he changed the world. I want to do the same. It will require me to have more of just a vision of tomorrow. I looked a little into my future today and I saw great things. The trouble with seeing great things in the future is the problem of getting stuck in today. Looking at my life right now it's hard to believe I could be somewhere else within 2-3 years. It dawned on my yesterday that I turn 21 this year. Yep. the average age of the world I know is alot older, I am just sayin it hit me.
Richard G. Scott taught me how to find joy in life. It is so easy for me to not look at a bigger persepective than what is in front of me. I enjoyed my day today, which is alot to say considering the past little bit of my life. I know that this life is to be enjoyed. Why do you think God put so much on this earth that beautiful and amazing. It is so that our day to day doesn't get drowned out with negative things. The miracle is this life is the ability to get through it having loved things and enjoyed others. This summer here in Virginia, although has merely begun, has been so great.
Skype is a great invention, I love to listen to music, running helps me conquer the world and I eat way to much ice cream for my body type/gender. My favorite thing in the world is laughing so hard, that my body decides to cry and tomorrow will be a great day.
I am grateful for Megan and the family I live with. Cooking is not my strength, but the art must be conquered. I decided yesterday that I would not serve this family one more burnt meal :)

here are the sources of greatness:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The journey of a million miles on a humid day.

So yesterday I awoke from the daze of having me live out here to be normal, and I was paddle boating on a lake between the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument. yep. That is the moment I realzied where I was and how blessed I am for being out here.
This week was a little rough, but hey... th kids are still alive, I am still out here and I got to enjoy a great day.
Wierd thought that came to my mind. As I follow the twin's schedule of waking them up, feeding them, play time, poopy diapers- I realized how predicable human nature is. We all eat 3 times a day, we eat a around the same hours, it amazed me how similar we all run, yet how different every person is.
 I went to the Haulocaust Musem yesterday. That was a really interesting experience. Not because what happened was inticing, but because of all I learned and realized about people's life stories. Through some of the greatest heartache, came some of the most noble and courageous acts of people who were brutally treated and killed. Going through the musem was a slightly horrifying experience, it is made to stir emotion and help the people who pass through the halls how real this was for the people who experienced it. There is a portion of the musem where there are only shoes, the shoes of not even a fraction of all the people who were murdered. I thought of my shoes, and the shoes of my friends. And then I started to cry, Those people where real, what they experienced was real. There were heroic stories and tragic stories, but I think everyone who went through that experience to be so strong.
 I thank them for their example, I will live my life to the fullest for them. I have oppurtunity and the chance to be myself, in a country that promotes individuality. I am thankful for that and God, who makes that possible.
I was a little depressed afterwards,but was we walked over to the Washington Monument there was one of the most beautiful sigthts....a Cinco de Mayo celebration. Yes, me and the two girls I was wiht stuck out like a sore thumb-but hey, good music and fun people dancing to Regge Lation music...sweet.
In case of lack of knowledge, I make the family I live with dinner every night, I would just like to report that this week went SO much better than the past 3. I am just saying, cooking is an art, and I am here to master it.
Like I mentioned at the beginning,  on Saturday, I took a paddle boat across a bay in the Potomac River and made my way over to see the Jefferson memorial. The buildings and architecture out here amaze me. I said hi to the giant Jefferson, and then paddle my way back with Tara and Megan. Paddling a boat is no fun business, it's more like a workout. That's how they make their money, people come back super early because it actually takes work. haha
At night time we all met up with some friends and ate dinner and went to the movie The Avengers. Which was a good movie, I just think I have some smallish form of ADD- I can't focus on the movie for long enough to enjoy it. I am just thinking of the million of others things I could be doing, hiking... a much better option.
Life is good, this weekend was heaven sent. Got to store it all up to last me until next weekend.
Lesson of the week: slow down, don't stress. Enjoy the moment. Stress and worry will always follow any situation in life, so I decided to put it on the back burner and say I would deal with it later... and guess what, life is so much better. Yes, there are negative things to think about and do, but there is so much more good and uplifting things that I decided not to give the negative things the room they want in my life.
That's all.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

oh Virginia.

Virginia is a beautiful place!

I spent 14 hours on a plane in the span of 2 days flying home for the beautiful Jordan Boone's wedding. She was so happy, I was SOO happy for her and Brace. I am grateful I have such a good example to look up to, I LOVE her.

I enjoyed seeing my family, but it felt super wierd to be home, like I was living 2 lives. I met the most interesting people at the airport and in the process of my trek across the country. The airplane ride was a little sketchy, seeing as turbulence was INSANE!

This weekend was spent back in rainy Virginia. Me and Tara attempted to make our way to the city, but decided it wasn't worth it. SOOO, instead we tried a new resturaunt probably not known to .0001 more than the population of Virginia. It was called, Golden China, refreshing name eh? They gave portions the size of China. Then we went to the thrift store and tried on all sorts of nothings for a least 90 minutes. I bought two skirts. I was pleased with them until I got home. They are super ugly, the light of the thrift store sold me. Never again. We then ventured to a town called Reston and met up with a bunch of friends and had a fun night eating and then played a game.

I realized that I LOVE to grocery shop and do laundry. I love to ride in the car and I absolutely love music. The ward I attend out here is fabulous, the church is great where ever I am in this world. I am so grateful for the oppurtunity I have to be out here and experiencing these things. Something I never thought was plausable. There are so much things to learn and accomplish, I decided I am going to go out and accomplish it all!