Monday, April 23, 2012

i became a little more American.

Someone thought it would be a good idea for 5 girls, from BYU-Idaho to venture into the Nation's capital...IT WAS AMAZING!
There is so much to see and interesting people to be surrounded by. This is what I found to be beautiful on this adventurous day:
An overpriced pedicure feels the same as a normal priced pedicure...except the people who work there want larger tips.
I decided that I like to spend $8.00 on a soggy salad, while sitting on the banks of the Potomac River.
Lincoln Memorial is my favorite place to visit... thus far. The stairs, the view of the Washington Monument, all the visions of what I learned in my American History class. I stood where Martin Luther King Jr. stood and said "I have a dream." That inspired me to catch a vision. I started to, now I just need to finish it. 
Downtown bakery's make the BEST pumpkin spice muffins ever.
The city streets and designs of the buildings, the architecture and the landscaping... All the most beautiful things I have yet to see. I wanted to do everything.
The war memorials were amazing. It made me miss my Grandpa, he was an amazing man. They had war veterans there one Saturday, war veterans who fought for this country. I saw the look on their faces of pride and respect for those who had gone before. I overheard stories of war wives and battles. I became a little more American today.
The metro- although dirty, is a very convenient way to get around (as long as you don't loose your ticket). 
I went to a astronomer's club and looked at the rings of Saturn through a telescope (bucket list #34...done) It was amazing! The stars are the prettiest things. It makes me miss the western sky.
The rules of the metro include... don't look people in the eye and no one has a bubble.
I learned that on escalators you stand on the right, so people can walk left. What a concept. 
It is so pretty here and the sun is finally starting to peek out after a couple of rainy days. I am a very blessed girl. I have family and friends that have yet to forget me, although I am hundreds of miles away. I have learned that although sometimes I feel alone, I am not. This has taught me to rely upon my Savior for day to day happiness, something I have never had to do before.
I fly out to Utah tomorrow to attend Jordan Boone Wedding. Grape colored dress here I come!!
The singles ward out here... like any other. You find great people where-ever you go.
This is an adventure. Every day brings a new challenge.
I am grateful.

Friday, April 20, 2012

My New Philosophy.

I took an educational philosophy class this past semester and was absolutely amazed at how we as humans think. Everyone has their own experiences that shape how they think about life... the coolest part about this concept is that everyone is entitled to their own opinions AND even cooler since I live in America I can express that in the way I live and who I am.

My new philosophy is this. I am in no way in control of where Heavenly Father wants me to be, yet I chose it because I believe He knows whats best for me. Life is full on the unknown, uncertainty in life is really the only thing that is certain. There will be trials, but I am here to prove that I have the necessary hope and faith to face the unknown and go after my dreams.

Being in Washington D.C. taught me this. The fact that the church is true no matter where you go taught me this. For all of those people who have no idea what's coming next, I am right there with you. Even though it would be really easy to question and doubt, the harder more glorious thing is to face each day with a smile. Today was the first day I told myself, "Self, why are you worrying so much about going home? I want to be here." yep, totally normal to talk to myself as if I am another person, but I listened. This is where I am supposed to be. I want to be here. I want to experience all these things and play with children all day. I look forward to the end of 4 months, but I wouldn't want it to be over unless I tried my hardest and got a little dirty along the way.

I will be ok. You will be ok.

The happiness I find in this life is really up to me. I decide what I look for. I love my mom, she's my best friend. I love my dad too.

Life is a journey. It doesn't matter where you are, what matters is what you do with the sphere you have influence over.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Place of living: Great Falls, Virginia

I should probably re-title this blog to "A nanny life. is. beautiful. "
Seeing as my life now includes two waddling twin boys and a newborn that sometimes only cries when I hold him. 
Yep, I willingly agreed to fly to Washington, D.C. (by myself). Get into a car with a stranger and live their family's house. They are nice and the nanny I live with is also really nice. 
I had a break down on day two. and freak out on day four...also church day. and today it is currently day six. 
and what an improvement a little bit of sleep and having Christ by my side has made my outlook. 
Tara got here on day four! She is a wonderful human being. BTW: she is my roommate.

Thought of the day:
"wanting to be someone you are not is a waste of the person you are"

I am in love with these words. Have you ever thought of words, how 26 letters put together in different ways makes you feel so many emotions when they enter your eyes. I love living life. Sometimes it gets hard, sometimes a challenge arises. Let me tell you what, I am ahead in the race against change. When everything stays the same and life just goes from day to day...perfect. Yet, because I am so comfortable living that way, that's why Heavenly Father sees it fit that life gets crazy. 
I have lived 4 different places in the past 5 months; all coming equip with their fair share of weird weather, strange people and stressful days. The past week, here in Virginia, being the most difficult. My life went from 6 hours of studying a day, living with 5 girls and  boys to 3 boys (under the age of 14 months), a beautiful state and living in a strangers house. They have been very accommodating, it's just weird to get used to. I miss my mom, she is my best friend who knows me better than I know myself. I miss my sisters who are also my best friends. I thought on two occasions that it would make life better to go home... Yep, not doing that. I am in for the long run. 
I signed up for housing at BYU-Idaho in the fall. I changed 3 poop-y diapers today. And probably increased my ability to talk to a 2 year old by 50% (better than yesterday).
I decided that being yourself is the best option, in a world trying to change you into a generic mold they make look appealing, but if you ever achieve that in this life.... you are just like everyone else.

Someday I will marry someone who doesn't care that my hair is naturally frizzy, everyday and that sometimes I say things not one soul thinks is funny but me. yep, can't wait for that day. Until then, life is beautiful.