Thursday, April 28, 2011

this one time, i went college.

I move out  today. I move away from the 5 girls I have spent MY LIFE with. I move the little ol' town of Ephraim. Such a weird experience.
My first year of college was definitely and experience to never forget. I am sad that it's over but at the same time, excited for what is coming next.
There were late nights. Early mornings. Bonfires. Trips to either Kent's or Walmart. Denny's runs. A dirty kitchen and great people.
There were times I wanted to laugh, and other times I just wanted to cry.  To get away from everything I would sit on the bathroom floor, locked away until I could come out happy. I have times of intense hunger and times of being so full I didn't want to move. I meet amazing people that changed my life. 
I have realized all that I have to live for and all that I could never see in the past. I have had people leave my life, but they were always replaced with other people.

I have had some adventures.
These aren't all of them, but they're  my favorites.

Drives: Me and Whit, when we couldn't bear being at our 
apartment anymore would spontaneously leave. We would 
go the mountains, to thrift stores in Mt. Pleasant or to the
 Manti temple and we would listen to the best music and
 just laugh our little hearts out... good times.

RAIN!!: one time it was rain snowing and me and
 Anna went on a walk. To make a long story short we 
ended up jumping in puddles in the gutter. It was one

 of the best moments of my life.
Egg Rolling: SO, in little  towns  I guess the cool 
thing to do with boiled easter eggs in to chuck them
 down a hill. This was a first for me. I thought it was
 super wierd. But me, jamee, annalisa, and whitney...
oh and chester  ventured out in to the mountains and 
did this. It was wierd. I t was a long hike, but who
 knew throwing easter eggs would be SO FUN!!!
we got stuck in a blizzard, just our luck!

Lastly.... RUNNING: I have fallen in love 
with running. I would run to Kents and Walmart 
and towards the end in the mountians. 
It is probably my favorite memory. 
I loved how my roomates came with me and it was
 just THE BEST!!

I think I live for spontaneous things to happen. Creating adventure is one the my favorite things to do. I love the people I have come into contact with. I am exctied for the summer, oh how i will for reals keep this blog updated this summer, what else will there be to do?
I will miss my PE family, my interesting ward, and Snow College. I never thought I could love a town with more turkeys than people, but it happened.... slowly.

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