Sunday, July 24, 2011

Take a Breath, and RUN!

So this one time I fell in love with the band He is We.
And one day I was listening to their song called "And Run" with Sarah Mrtin, and it hit home with exactly what I am going through in my life. I did not write this song, but I LOVE it. This is me.

That what I'm waiting for, is really worth the wait.
Gonna grow up, Be someone.
Draw a map, find a path.
Take a breath and run.

 I am in control of my own life. I have the decsion to choose whether something I am going to do is right or wrong. Then becasue of my choice, I determine the consequences. Then, sometimes there is a second party involved with my descions making. That second party is my Heavenly Father. I prayed so hard for this one particular thing to happen, and it never did. I felt as if no one understood what I was going through, but He did. He didn't ignore my prayers, he heard them. And the amazing part of this is that he didn't answer it. He loves me enough to not give me what I thought I needed. There is something else in store for me. I am not going back to college in thefall. That  descion scares me; but I know it's right. I don't know what's in store for me, but I know that if I keep doing what I need to, everything will work. I just need to keep having an open mind as to what "working out" means. I feel like Heavenly Father helped my draw my map and pick my path. He sees what I cannot and I know that this will turn out better than my map would have. And now it's my turn to take a breath and run. Run into what is right now darkness, taking what my elders call a leap of faith.

I never thought I would be at this point in my life. It will be new, it's exciting and I know that I am making the right choice. For all of the people that have had the bear with me this summer as I figured everything out, I am grateful to you. Grateful for everyone who has ever been in my life. I am so blessed. I have strong family and amazing friends. I know that I am a really confusing person, but I promise I am trying. I love the trials that make me a stronger person. I love the pioneers for their examples and I love that I don't know the future yet. It makes life exciting to live.

My favorite scripture right now is Proverbs 3:5-6. Look it up. Understand why it is so great.

Monday, May 9, 2011

some people get married.

I know this might sound super wierd, but with the news of thousands of people I know getting married, it got me...
a tiny bit excited.

I decided that I think that it will be the greatest day of my life when I get married.
Last night, I had a dream. This dream consisted of me getting married, in the temple. Although, I was by myself...meaning there was no groom in sight. I saw a bunch of other random people. Wierd, but that is why I decided to blog about this today.

It may seem as though I am no where near that stage in my life, which I am not. In order to get married you need to date someone first....wierd how that happens. But someday it will happen, it will be great!
It's the day that every little girl dreams of. For me, I am already stressed out about making sure everything gets done. So mostly, right now, I am excited to have a best friend that knows me better than I know myself. Someone who knows what my favorite ice cream is and knows when i need it. Someone who will think of random adventures to go on and someone who I will dominate in thumb wars. Yep, I will probably tell you about when this happens, but until then....
I wish this future best friend the best of luck in all of his endeavors, hopefully you are dominating the world.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

this one time, i went college.

I move out  today. I move away from the 5 girls I have spent MY LIFE with. I move the little ol' town of Ephraim. Such a weird experience.
My first year of college was definitely and experience to never forget. I am sad that it's over but at the same time, excited for what is coming next.
There were late nights. Early mornings. Bonfires. Trips to either Kent's or Walmart. Denny's runs. A dirty kitchen and great people.
There were times I wanted to laugh, and other times I just wanted to cry.  To get away from everything I would sit on the bathroom floor, locked away until I could come out happy. I have times of intense hunger and times of being so full I didn't want to move. I meet amazing people that changed my life. 
I have realized all that I have to live for and all that I could never see in the past. I have had people leave my life, but they were always replaced with other people.

I have had some adventures.
These aren't all of them, but they're  my favorites.

Drives: Me and Whit, when we couldn't bear being at our 
apartment anymore would spontaneously leave. We would 
go the mountains, to thrift stores in Mt. Pleasant or to the
 Manti temple and we would listen to the best music and
 just laugh our little hearts out... good times.

RAIN!!: one time it was rain snowing and me and
 Anna went on a walk. To make a long story short we 
ended up jumping in puddles in the gutter. It was one

 of the best moments of my life.
Egg Rolling: SO, in little  towns  I guess the cool 
thing to do with boiled easter eggs in to chuck them
 down a hill. This was a first for me. I thought it was
 super wierd. But me, jamee, annalisa, and whitney...
oh and chester  ventured out in to the mountains and 
did this. It was wierd. I t was a long hike, but who
 knew throwing easter eggs would be SO FUN!!!
we got stuck in a blizzard, just our luck!

Lastly.... RUNNING: I have fallen in love 
with running. I would run to Kents and Walmart 
and towards the end in the mountians. 
It is probably my favorite memory. 
I loved how my roomates came with me and it was
 just THE BEST!!

I think I live for spontaneous things to happen. Creating adventure is one the my favorite things to do. I love the people I have come into contact with. I am exctied for the summer, oh how i will for reals keep this blog updated this summer, what else will there be to do?
I will miss my PE family, my interesting ward, and Snow College. I never thought I could love a town with more turkeys than people, but it happened.... slowly.

Friday, February 11, 2011

life is better barefoot

-adjective, adverb
1. the act of one not wearing any shoes
2. the expression of the true enjoyment of life
The best things in life are usually the simplest. I think the world does a good job at distorting the minds of girls. Do you know how many girls have eating disorders or go into depression because of the image or personality they are supposed to like? Thousands
and the super models they are trying to look like aren't even real, they are computer edited. I just wish everyone would realize that they are made different for a reason, being who you really are is what is truly beautiful. 
 That is why life is better barefoot. Although those things don't seem to connect, they do. Being able to feel the grass and the dirt-- gets you feet dirty. Do supermodels have dirty
Life is great when you are just able to do what you know  you need, and then amazing things happen.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: life is better barefoot :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Delores really is my middle name.

So this one time, i was born.
I don't remember it, but i am pretty sure it was an exciting time in both my and my parent's life.
And then i grew up... into what most people call Elementary School.  
I had friends. We played, then somewhere in between dodge ball and jump rope we grew up.
Grew up into a place called Junior High. It was a horrible combination of puberty and self-discovery.
That's the time in my life where i had braces, glasses and was told i looked like a boy.
Then I matured (into a girl) and once again... occupieded a bigger "more mature" space.
This time with hormones and facial hair, high school became my life.
[OK, so i never did have facial hair. But it was around this time when i noticed that my
fellow male peers were all about it]
High school was interesting. Although I made so many friends and memories... 
i had to once again grow up. So, i graduated.
I worked all summer (at the most interesting of jobs) and then in the fall,
moved to the booming metropolis of Ephraim, Utah.
Those of you who have never heard of this obviously really awesome place,
here are some of it's finest assets.
A stop light on main, huge difference in human vs. livestock ratio and home of Snow College.
For fun, we go to maverick, dance in the country western style and visit the turkey farms on our days off.
I have 5 roommates, all of whom make my life so interesting.
And, sometimes, i go back to the sweet old hometown of Cedar Hills to visit the good ol' fam.
So there's the background on me. BUT, if anyone was to ask,
my favorite consist of...
the color orange, llamas, swinging on swings, ice cream cones, green grass, the west coast[particularly Oregon/Northern California), living in the 50's, dressing from the 80's and Cafe Rio.
There are so many funny things that go on throughout a time span of 24 hours. And so many times i am too caught up in myself to realize that they are happening. My life was never intended for me, it was intended for others. So... as i go about my next 24 hours i will keep track of everything beautiful that happened in my life, and let you know about.

"Those who think sunshine is happiness, have never danced in the rain."
Just open your eyes, and see that life is beautiful.