Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I decided today... I will be an optimist.

I have been on search for the past couple weeks.
The search for what I think is important in life. Still finding it, but have discovered more reccently out here than I ever have before.
 I have been given so many oppurtuities out here: my most reccent happenings include going to Ford's theatre. I decided that I admire Abraham Lincoln so much. He had so much on the line and did his best. The was a quote from W.E.B. Dubois that said something to the effect of, "he wasn't perfect but he was triumphant", I decided that would be the definition of my life. My future son will be named Abraham. I have met some pretty awesome people. I have taken up reading and have fallen in love with running and keeping my room clean. I miss my family and friends a whole lot.
Life is too short. I am commited to making every day count. The babies in my life right now are the best. I don't go a day without a small headache or some baby barf on me. I love them and the West family for giving me this oppurtunity. There is so much ahead.

I decided that today I want to be an optimist. There is so much beauty and blessings to behold. I decided to stop looking for everything that is wrong. Life is full of adventure and is only worth living if filled with people you love. I have 3 short weeks left to be out in the Distirct of Columbia. I love the history out here, I love the philosophies and the Virginian skyline. Life is too short.

When I get back to Utah I am going to hug everyone of my siblings so hard, I am going to hug the mountains and I am going to sleep outside... on the trampoline. I am excited to go back up to school and learn as much as my little brain can hold. As for the next three weeks... I am going to hug those babies, go camping at the beach and live everyday with as much wonder as I can.

Love that mom. Love that dad. Love those siblings. Love those friends. I decided to shower more often ;) and have offically an east coast girl. I am so blessed to be here with so many great people. I am very blessed.

Love those books.

Ford's Theatre.

True about everyone who has conquered.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


So this one time, I have lived in Virginia for almost 3 months. I have finally gotten used to the Katie life as nanny.It seems like a couple of days ago that I was up in Rexburg and home for a couple of days.
 Here's how it's going right now:

Went to the nation's capital on her birthday to help her celebrate. Talk about a crowd of millions of people. Great people who know how to celebrate. I enjoyed monuments surrounding me, the people and the frisbee after the fireworks.
Realized after a round of mini golf in 100% humidity, that I have alot of golf skills to improve.
Decided that the card game "fact or crap" is someone's good itention of testing knowledge to really be statistics. (your best guess will really on let you win on average 50% of the time)
Missing the family a little bit. The seem to be just fine without me, yet... maybe when I get home they will realize how much they missed me :)
I attended the baptism of a girl on Saturday that I didn't even know. I realized that I am inspired by people who live their lives by simple faith.
I have taken up reading. Hunger games have been on my mind this week. It is a little bit of a stretch to be enjoyable, but hey... I have to figure out what happens!
I reccently survived a storm that took out trees that knocked the power out for 3 days. No power. No water. My little person that has never experienced a natural disaster maybe had a couple of rough days. Kind of felt like the world was going to end. It was probably a mixture of the heat, the no food supply and no showers... SO grateful for the modern conviences that I have grown so accustomed to.
Went to a Nats game on Saturday and baked in 104 degree weather. They won. I fried. And I definitly enjoyed it.

Life is good. Everything will be just fine. Crazy how time presses forward; it never stops.
Life isn't always what I expect. People change and curcumstances do as well. This happens for everyone. Yet, because I have chosen this gospel as my way of life, I know that everything will be ok.

One time, on the fourth of July I ate lunch at Panda Express. My fortune said this

"Don't count time, make time count."

That has become my philosphy. I live for crazy adventures, laughing alot and making sure life consits of the people I love. This life really isn't that complicated. I am trying to fill mine with so much good that there is no room for the bad. MUSH. as my sister would say. :) miss those girls. Miss those friends. miss those parents. even the dogs that annoy me and enjoy it a little too much.

I have one month until I am home in Utah. Crazy that this adventure that has been so real to me... will be over.

Baseball Girls. Love them!

Me and Megan, just being nannies.

My best little bud Spenc telling me how much he loves the beach.

Love this place. The place that feels like home, so many miles away.

 Megan's boyfriend Bryce Harper just warming up.

An early morning excursion to the temple, took 1 1/2 hours. Gave food to a hungry man. And had a really great day.