Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Sometimes I like to play softball. I learned that it is a very dangerous sport. Those balls travel fast and when impacted on the body... hurts.
I found a package of chocolate chip pancakes under my bed yesterday, and it saved me from a near breakdown. Grateful.
I went on a drive with a good friend a couple days ago. We went out behind the temple where the fields go on for miles, we listened to country music, with the window down and it was the greatest thing ever.
I went country dancing last week, yep. I didn't realize, until living it Idaho this semester, that I think I am a country girl at heart.
I visited Colleen on Mothers Day. She is an 80(ish) year old lady who lives in a nursing home she has the most wavy blond hair someone her age could ever have. She had spent her whole mother's day by herself... watching TV. She has 3 children who live far away and her roommate (Rose) was out for the day with her family. She just talked for one whole hour, all I had to do was listen... and it as glorious.
I love my parents, I love that whenever I call them on the phone they answer. That is a blessing.
Yesterday, at work we made paper airplanes. Guess whose went the farthest, mine. Thank you Google for their "How to make a paper airplane that flies far" search result.
I got a letter in the mail yesterday. I decided getting mail is the greatest part of any day.
I have a window that faces the west, that means; whenever I wake up, I wake up to the sun. That is the greatest.
Over the weekend I went a bike ride/ scooter ride with the most excellent human being. We swung on the swings and then where asked to play a pick of game of "capture the flag". Spontaneity makes for a joyful like.
I ate Captain Crunch on the football field and then watched the sunset from the football stadium. Yay for checking things off the bucket list and friends to do that with. 
I like to go on barefoot adventure.
My roommates are so great. They are teaching me how to take time to cook, clean up my socks and enjoy a night at the apartment. Last night's activity, teaching me how to do the cowboy cha-cha in the kitchen.

Through living all of these adventures, I realized that the best things in life are simple. The people you spend your hours with, is what matters. And worry, is pointless. Everything always works out.