Sunday, February 3, 2013


This afternoon as I was waxing my eyebrows (something that I need to do WAY more than the average human girl should) I was awkward and started thinking of how it applies to life... and it applies in so many ways.

Way #1: Sometimes when life gives you a challenge (in this case, bushy eyebrows) there are ways to overcome and eliminate the challenge= wax. Some real life waxes are friends, cookie dough, but more importantly the gospel. I can change and become better.

Way #2: When a needed part of the eyebrow is accidentally waxed off this creates a problem. The only solution: wait for it to grow back. In life everything heals with time. Everything always turns out good. President Hinckley said once, "For the optimistic person, everything works out." Patience is something I need to improve on. Hence, the lesson #2 from this situation.

Way #3: No matter how great you wax your eyebrows it will ALWAYS grow back. When I was in DC facing something hard, my mom said this, "It is wasn't this here, it would be something somewhere else." This life is hard, and it is supposed to be. A man who went to Chilie on his mission said, "If you aren't struggling, you should be worried. It's when you are struggling that you are killing the natural man." I am grateful the life is hard. I am never facing it alone. Everything will always work out.

That's all. I feel like even 3 lessons from this situation is even pushing it. I just felt enlightened and thought I would share.

Life is good. BYU-Idaho continues to be a blessing to me everyday. I love that I get to teach Relief Society and work with the elderly. I love how I have no idea what I am doing with my life. Teaching elementary school only feels appealing to me on certain days (probably when it's sunny outside). I really like how I get to wake up every day and start over. The temple is a blessing and I adore my family. Pancakes and llamas still make me happy. .

Life is so good. There is so much to be grateful for.

I am going to make a bucket list, take more pictures and find one person everyday who is having a worse day than me and help them. 


This girl is going a mission soon. We like to dress up and then pretend like we are a foreign couple... only on new years.

One time, right before Christmas break was over. Me and Jordan ate our body weight in Zupas (never regretted something so great)|

Ally hates this picture but I love it. We have adventures all the time. She is great.