Sunday, July 24, 2011

Take a Breath, and RUN!

So this one time I fell in love with the band He is We.
And one day I was listening to their song called "And Run" with Sarah Mrtin, and it hit home with exactly what I am going through in my life. I did not write this song, but I LOVE it. This is me.

That what I'm waiting for, is really worth the wait.
Gonna grow up, Be someone.
Draw a map, find a path.
Take a breath and run.

 I am in control of my own life. I have the decsion to choose whether something I am going to do is right or wrong. Then becasue of my choice, I determine the consequences. Then, sometimes there is a second party involved with my descions making. That second party is my Heavenly Father. I prayed so hard for this one particular thing to happen, and it never did. I felt as if no one understood what I was going through, but He did. He didn't ignore my prayers, he heard them. And the amazing part of this is that he didn't answer it. He loves me enough to not give me what I thought I needed. There is something else in store for me. I am not going back to college in thefall. That  descion scares me; but I know it's right. I don't know what's in store for me, but I know that if I keep doing what I need to, everything will work. I just need to keep having an open mind as to what "working out" means. I feel like Heavenly Father helped my draw my map and pick my path. He sees what I cannot and I know that this will turn out better than my map would have. And now it's my turn to take a breath and run. Run into what is right now darkness, taking what my elders call a leap of faith.

I never thought I would be at this point in my life. It will be new, it's exciting and I know that I am making the right choice. For all of the people that have had the bear with me this summer as I figured everything out, I am grateful to you. Grateful for everyone who has ever been in my life. I am so blessed. I have strong family and amazing friends. I know that I am a really confusing person, but I promise I am trying. I love the trials that make me a stronger person. I love the pioneers for their examples and I love that I don't know the future yet. It makes life exciting to live.

My favorite scripture right now is Proverbs 3:5-6. Look it up. Understand why it is so great.